3 Small SEO Mistakes that are Hurting Your SERP Ranking

SEO is a very complex area, which allows for a lot of room for errors. Despite hours and hours of effort to correctly optimize your website, you may be making simple SEO mistakes that are hurting your SERP ranking. Anyone can make these simple SEO mistakes, but most often, it's webmasters who don't fully understand the algorithm requirements, lack knowledge of proper white hat methods, or those who just have bad information in terms of SEO. Here are some simple SEO mistakes you may be overlooking that are hurting your SERP ranking: 1. Duplicate Content We all know you shouldn't post duplicate content because it essentially means you're competing with yourself. Plus, Google wants original and quality content. But, did you know duplicate content extends beyond duplicate blog posts and website content? Duplicate content also involves duplicate META descriptions, headers and page titles. 2. Lack of Content A huge problem I see with many websites, especially e-comm...