Alyssa Ast's Weekly Blog Wrap Up

Traffic Tips for Blogs: Part 1 To increase your blog traffic, many believe the most important thing you can do for your site is create ideally optimized content with keywords/phrases. This is somewhat true. While keywords/phrases do play a large role in your blog’s traffic, there are many other factors that contribute to your blog traffic. Traffic tips for blogs involves both on-site and off-site work on your part to increase your traffic. Traffic Tips for Blogs: Part 2 Last week, Traffic Tips for Blogs: Part 1 covered tips and techniques you can use within your site to increase your blog’s traffic. This week, I will cover tips and techniques you can use off-site to increase traffic. Many people are unaware you can increase your blog’s traffic from other sites, even offline, but it is possible. The Eggs in Your Baskets We all know if you want to build a steady and reliable income, you can't put all of your eggs in one basket. If you put all of your eggs in one basket you can end up...