Unleash the Secrets of Pinterest Ads with Red Rocket Media

Earlier this year, Pinterest made the long awaited promoted pins available to all advertisers, including Red Rocket Media . With more than 70 million users and the support of a top social media advertising agency, Red Rocket, your business is able to harness the potential power of Pinterest ads. The huge social media platform now offers the pay-per-click advertising option to a massive audience for increased online exposure to promote your bottom line. Although little remains known about the full success of the promoted pins, some studies already show the ads to increase both impressions and traffic . So far, there appears to be at least a 30 percent increase of impressions for those using the Pinterest campaigns-- noted as being both helpful and inspirational. Although enhanced targeting features are yet to be released, the Pinterest ads appear to be very promising, which is why Red Rocket and I are on a mission to help you succeed with the new advertising option. With a stro...